Eyes Creation Steps

  1. 1. Start recording screen for creation time lapse. 2. Close unrelated before
  2. Copy previous creation folder.
  3. 1. Delete files of previous project. 2. Choose two eye slides in main comp set blending mode duplicate and precompose
  4. 1. Iris attempt even better by duplicate merge all make black and white. 2. Contrast to max color dodge or another blending mode. 3. Play with opacity. 4. Hue saturation color balance black and white till stagnation
  5. Iris attempt even better by improvised adjustment till even better stagnation in after effects. Followed by Hue saturation, color balance and black and white in Photoshop
  6. Export as png and open iris png in Photoshop and scale to uv scale and save file
  7. Save and import to top list. Lights and backgrounds too
  8. Opens 3ds max apply iris texture and wall texture